Friday, March 22, 2013

How to Remove Skin Tags at Home with Simple Equipment

How to remove skin tags at home is something that a lot of people want to know how to do – but people can be very nervous about removing skin tags (also known as acrochordons), confusing them with warts. So should they be? What are skin tags, exactly? They might be inconvenient and even unsightly, but skin tags are usually just benign tumours – entirely harmless, but since they are protruding flaps of skin you’re probably likely to want to remove them, especially if they’re on the face. Some people are more prone to skin tags than others and hereditary conditions or other unknown factors mean that some individuals have 100 skin tags or more. You’re a lot more likely to suffer from them if you’re overweight. However, there can be exceptions to the ‘mostly harmless’ rule and before you look at how to remove skin tags at home you absolutely should be 100% sure that it is not a malignant tumor, or early sign of skin cancer. Be careful if you want to know how to remove skin tags at home, although it may be tempting to try to remove skin tags quickly. How to remove skin tags at home: times when you should go to the doctor. Has the skin tag got an uneven edge? Has the skin tag changed color or shape recently? Has the skin tag grown rapidly in size? If in doubt, contact a dermatologist or your doctor – you shouldn’t be looking into how to remove skin tags at home if your skin tag falls into any of the above categories. Once you’re clear that your skin tag is the benign type, there are several methods you can use – it’s easy to learn how to remove skin tags at home. How to Remove Skin Tags at Home: Some Tried and Tested Methods If you need to know how to remove skin tags at home, one of your first options is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an Australian essential oil which has proven effects on a variety of skin diseases. Simply wash the skin tag and all around it with soapy water and let it dry out. If you rub a soaked (in water) cotton ball, dotted with three drops of tree trea oil on it and repeat three times every day for a few days, the tag should dry out and fall off. Dermisil (another herbal extract with healing properties on skin conditions) can also dry a skin tag out. Castor oil mixed with baking soda – applied to the skin tag as a paste – can also dry a skin tag out until it falls off. If you want to know how to remove skin tags at home you might want to try tying a thin string, such as dental floss, around the base of the skin tag and pull tightly. It’ll need to be there for a couple of days, which might not be so convenient if it’s on your face, but this can work! Cover your skin tag in duct (or gaffer) tape and leave it there until it becomes loose. It should fall off if left long enough. If you want to know how to remove skin tags at home and you’re looking for a remedy using readily available materials you might want to douse the skin tag in nail polish three times a day until it gives in and falls off. Vitamin E on a sticking plaster (or band aid) affixed to the skin for a couple of days should also cause the skin tag to fall off. Coat your skin tag in Compound W, which works on warts so effectively. It should fall off. Braver souls who want to know how to remove skin tags at home might want to try the following scary-sounding remedy: simply cut the skin tag off with either scissors or nail clippers. But make sure you are using ultra-clean (disinfected!) scissors or nail clippers and put alcohol on the skin to avoid any sort of infection. So – we’ve looked at a variety of methods and so you should have plenty of ideas how to remove skin tags at home. As you can see, you should be cautious for changes in your skin tags before you take any action at all, but there are many options open to you if you want to know how to remove skin tags at home.

1 comment:

  1. Another way to remove skin tags at home by using skin tag removal device. I know, it’s very effective because it was used by me to remove my skin tag. After some days tag was turned black & fell off.
